
Just Wing It

This past weekend I was sitting and thinking about starting a blog on the ups and downs of growing a business, being a wife and mother, and all the other fun things that come along with that.

So, in true fashion of yours truly… I am jumping right in with both feet and just going to wing it! Seriously, if I can inspire, help, encourage or support just one girlfriend out there with my ramblings then my deed is done.

For those of you who don’t know me, I like to think of myself as a simple gal, but in all honesty are any of us really that simple? Not so much. I am your typical family on paper… married with two kids and three dogs. OK, so three dogs might not be typical, but I love them. With that said, what is typical anymore these days anyway?

I am an entrepreneur at heart. I love, love, love thinking of new business ideas, learning about other people’s businesses and jumping in with both feet. For only being 33 years old, I have had my fair share of business ventures from a gift basket business, errand service, virtual assistant, online community website, some direct sales business ventures and of course now Always Busy Women. Each venture has taught me something important and prepared me for the next stage of my life. I am self taught in most that I do and I love to continually be learning something new, even if it is the hard way.

Each day is truly a journey for each of us and I look forward to sharing with you in my next blurb on how Always Busy Women came to be.

Best wishes for a super fantastic week! Go get’em girls!

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