
Go For It!

I get asked all the time, how did you come up with the idea for Always Busy Women? So, I thought this week I would share how Always Busy Women came to be.

Last fall as I was running my community website here in Surprise, I came across a women’s conference that was happening in Glendale. So, I signed myself up and headed on over there in October of 2007.

At the time, I remember feeling nervous about going. I was nervous to go by myself and walk into a big room of women and sit at a table with a bunch of ladies I didn't know. I made it there and got myself seated and met some women who were also trying to grow their business. My goal was to learn from the wonderful women speaking that day and to hopefully take what I learned and use it to help grow my online community website. While I sat there intently listening to each gal get up and talk about the path of struggles and successes, I was inspired! I was inspired to go for it, really go for it! It was then that I envisioned a business that would celebrate, encourage, connect and support women in their individual and business lives.

Before I even left the conference, I had already jotted down several thoughts and ideas on my new business I was going to start. I couldn't wait to get home and lay out my ideas on paper. The moment I walked in I went straight to my office and started bubble mapping. I had a name and basic idea all put together before I went to bed that night.

From there, it took me several months of researching, planning and deciding what the best approach would be. It wasn’t until April of 2008, 6 months later, that I officially launched Always Busy Women. Exactly 6 months after that I have my first issue of A Girlfriends Guide for Always Busy Women in hand . My feelings at the moment are almost unexplainable. I am excited, scared, tired, crazed, determined and still full of so many ideas.

My venture over the last year has been nothing but ups and downs as many start-ups are. I started my venture by approaching a business associate at the time to come along for the ride and be a partner of Always Busy Women. We both learned quickly that a partnership wasn’t going to work and I continued forward and my partner went her own way. I have to admit at first I wondered how in the world I would do it all on my own. The thing was at the time, I didn’t really have time to think about it. I had an event a week later and I just needed to move forward and keep going. “Moving Forward” a great motto when in business… no matter what, you just have to keep moving forward. It has been a truly trying experience at times, wanting to give up and take the easy route of someone else telling me what to do, but my determination to succeed always kicks in and I move forward.

The lessons I have learned over the past year are tremendous and have been a blessing! I hope to use this blog as a way to share my experience as I move forward and try to grow my business, to share cool things I find on the way and a way to show that it is OK to be real. Let’s tell it like it really is! It’s not easy and yes we all think of giving up, but it is the focus and determination that keeps us moving forward, no matter what gets in our way.

To All My Girlfriends… I say Go For It!

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