Join the woman only networking group that will inspire, empower and help you grab a hold of your dreams and make them a reality!
The Girlfriend's Biz Alliance is a unique group of woman business owners working together to help each other succeed! Secure your exclusive spot today and take advantage of some great savings that will have your checking account thanking you all year!
We have a NW Valley Chapter that will be meeting every other Tuesday at 9am and a SW Valley Chapter meeting every other Wednesday at 3pm. Grab a hold as we impact the West Valley!
Join now and take advantage of the huge savings!
Sapphire Membership - SAVE $50.00
Join the Girlfriend's Biz Alliance as a Sapphire Member for only $99.00 for the year (normally $149.00)!
Enjoy all these benefits all year long as well as be part of an fabulous and exclusive networking group!
· Website Business Directory One Year Listing - Contact info with logo, website, email, phone, tagline, address with google mapping, coupon, and up to 5 photo's listed on ($100.00 Value)
· Girlfriend's Biz Alliance Certificate Banner Button to place on your website, email and in marketing material to promote the Girlfriend's Biz Alliance.
· Girlfriend's Biz Alliance Bling Tee· 20% discount on all advertising in Always Busy Women's Guide
· Access to Webinars, Seminars and Training to help you grow and succeed in your business.
· Priority Registration for Boutique and Expo Events· Discounted Vendor and Sponsor opportunities at Boutique and Expo Events
· Be rewarded every time your recruit a member! Each member who recruits a new member earns $10.00 cash reward.
Ruby Membership - SAVE $100.00
Join the Girlfriend's Biz Alliance as a Ruby Member for only $249.00 for the year (normally $349.00)!
Enjoy all the benefits of the Sapphire membership plus these benefits all year long as well as be part of an fabulous and exclusive networking group!
· All Sapphire Benefits plus
· Basic Directory Listing in the Always Busy Women's Print Guide -All Year (400.00 Value)
· No charge to list VIP Card Discounts in Publication
· Free Entry into Always Busy Women Social Events 2 to 4 each year
· Free to include Marketing Materials in ABW Social Event Swag Bags
*Membership Form and Payment in Full must be received by Friday, December 19th to take advantage of these one time offer.
For more infomation or to request a membership form, please email
Girlfriend's Biz Alliance Launching!

Go For It!
I get asked all the time, how did you come up with the idea for Always Busy Women? So, I thought this week I would share how Always Busy Women came to be.
Last fall as I was running my community website here in Surprise, I came across a women’s conference that was happening in Glendale. So, I signed myself up and headed on over there in October of 2007.
At the time, I remember feeling nervous about going. I was nervous to go by myself and walk into a big room of women and sit at a table with a bunch of ladies I didn't know. I made it there and got myself seated and met some women who were also trying to grow their business. My goal was to learn from the wonderful women speaking that day and to hopefully take what I learned and use it to help grow my online community website. While I sat there intently listening to each gal get up and talk about the path of struggles and successes, I was inspired! I was inspired to go for it, really go for it! It was then that I envisioned a business that would celebrate, encourage, connect and support women in their individual and business lives.
Before I even left the conference, I had already jotted down several thoughts and ideas on my new business I was going to start. I couldn't wait to get home and lay out my ideas on paper. The moment I walked in I went straight to my office and started bubble mapping. I had a name and basic idea all put together before I went to bed that night.
From there, it took me several months of researching, planning and deciding what the best approach would be. It wasn’t until April of 2008, 6 months later, that I officially launched Always Busy Women. Exactly 6 months after that I have my first issue of A Girlfriends Guide for Always Busy Women in hand . My feelings at the moment are almost unexplainable. I am excited, scared, tired, crazed, determined and still full of so many ideas.
My venture over the last year has been nothing but ups and downs as many start-ups are. I started my venture by approaching a business associate at the time to come along for the ride and be a partner of Always Busy Women. We both learned quickly that a partnership wasn’t going to work and I continued forward and my partner went her own way. I have to admit at first I wondered how in the world I would do it all on my own. The thing was at the time, I didn’t really have time to think about it. I had an event a week later and I just needed to move forward and keep going. “Moving Forward” a great motto when in business… no matter what, you just have to keep moving forward. It has been a truly trying experience at times, wanting to give up and take the easy route of someone else telling me what to do, but my determination to succeed always kicks in and I move forward.
The lessons I have learned over the past year are tremendous and have been a blessing! I hope to use this blog as a way to share my experience as I move forward and try to grow my business, to share cool things I find on the way and a way to show that it is OK to be real. Let’s tell it like it really is! It’s not easy and yes we all think of giving up, but it is the focus and determination that keeps us moving forward, no matter what gets in our way.
To All My Girlfriends… I say Go For It!

Just Wing It
This past weekend I was sitting and thinking about starting a blog on the ups and downs of growing a business, being a wife and mother, and all the other fun things that come along with that.
So, in true fashion of yours truly… I am jumping right in with both feet and just going to wing it! Seriously, if I can inspire, help, encourage or support just one girlfriend out there with my ramblings then my deed is done.
For those of you who don’t know me, I like to think of myself as a simple gal, but in all honesty are any of us really that simple? Not so much. I am your typical family on paper… married with two kids and three dogs. OK, so three dogs might not be typical, but I love them. With that said, what is typical anymore these days anyway?
I am an entrepreneur at heart. I love, love, love thinking of new business ideas, learning about other people’s businesses and jumping in with both feet. For only being 33 years old, I have had my fair share of business ventures from a gift basket business, errand service, virtual assistant, online community website, some direct sales business ventures and of course now Always Busy Women. Each venture has taught me something important and prepared me for the next stage of my life. I am self taught in most that I do and I love to continually be learning something new, even if it is the hard way.
Each day is truly a journey for each of us and I look forward to sharing with you in my next blurb on how Always Busy Women came to be.
Best wishes for a super fantastic week! Go get’em girls!

Always Busy Networking & Magazine Launch
Mark your Calendars Ladies! Come find out what Always Busy Women is all about! We are so excited to share with you the first issue of Always Busy Women! Come out and meet other savvy business women just like you! Share your business and meet other always busy women in business.Join us at Cecilia Guerrero Agency, our lovely sponsor this month for some delicious sweets and meet other Always Busy Women.
Join us for this fantastic Free event, sponsored by Cecilia Guerrero Agency and enjoy some snack and delicious sweets.
DATE: Wednesday, October 22
TIME: 5:30pm to 7:30pm
LOCATION: Cecilia Guerrero Agency 13943 N 91st Avenue, Ste B-103Peoria, AZ 85381
RSVP is Required
Join Always Busy Women on MeetUp

Power Women's Conference
This one-day conference and networking expo features a full day of personal growth and development, educational break-out sessions, business strategies for today's busy working women, motivational and informative keynote speakers and Arizona businesses showcasing their products and services. Our goal is to educate, empower and inspire women. The event is expected to draw between 300-500 attendees and over 200 businesses statewide. There are two components to attendance at this event:
1. The Women's Conference will include a Welcome Breakfast, Luncheon with keynote speaker and other concurrent session speakers. Last year's conference had a highly qualified list of speakers and this year's speakers will be of the same high caliber.
2. The Networking Expo (which will also be open to the public) will focus on putting professional men and women in direct contact
with vendors with services and products
important to them.
The day will be jam-packed with information, education, networking, and camaraderie. Join us at the new Renaissance Glendale Hotel and Convention Center on Oct. 3, 2008.
It will be worth every minute!

Always Busy Holiday Boutique
We are gearing up for our next Shopping Boutique! Join us on December 5th from 5pm to 9pm at the beautiful Renaissance Hotel at Westgate. Skip the shopping malls and head on over to the Renaissance Hotel for a great night of shopping, pampering and girlfriend time! It is the perfect night out with the girls! Once you finish up your shopping you can head right over to Westgate for some Friday night fun!
This event is open to everyone. Whether you are a boutique, designer or just offer something great for Always Busy Women and their Holiday shopping list, we want you. Get your products in front of Holiday shoppers during one of the busiest shopping times of the year.
You must be selling a product to be a vendor at the event. If you offer a service and would like to participate in the event we do offer some great and affordable sponsorship opportunities. Please contact us for more details.
Vendor Info:
$80.00 Fee to participate with a $50.00 non-refundable deposit due via Paypal within 5 days of application acceptance.
Swag Bag:
Get your products or samples into the hands of Always Busy Women. We will be selling Swag Bags at the door for only $10.00 and will be full of local products to sample and try. Get your items in for free if you are a vendor. We will be doing 100 bags. If you are not a vendor there is a small fee to have your items included. Please contact us for more info.
It is first come, first serve.
A 6 foot table with black drape is included in the fee. If you would like additional tables they are $15.00 a piece. Electricity is available at an additional charge through the Hotel.
Space is filling up quicly. Reserve your spot today by contacting us directly at
This event will be FREE to attendees. We will be asking for a toy donation, but is not required. We are expecting over 400 attendees.

Always Busy Summer Fling Pics

"My Best Friend Deserves Her Dream Wedding" Giveaway and Bridal Faire Extravaganza
Thee wedding Warehouse and Arizona Weddings have come together to put on a bridal event which showcases the vendors who helped to create the "My Best Friend Deserves her Dream Wedding" giveaway. On July 26, 2008 giveaway entry forms will be available for pick-up at the Bridal Faire Extravaganza; brides must attend to pickup entry form. Live entertainment, music, food, and a fashion show is only a small part of what brides and grooms will experience at Thee Bridal Faire Extravaganza.
Thee Wedding Warehouse and Arizona Weddings
Thee Wedding Warehouse is excited to invite all brides-to-be and the general public to attend the Bridal Faire Extravaganza and receive entry information for the "My Best Friend Deserves Her Dream Wedding" Giveaway.
Saturday, July 26th, 9am to 3pm
Estrella Vista Reception Center, 1471 N Eliseo C. Felix Jr. Way, Avondale, AZ 85338

Always Busy Summer Fling Event - Thursday July 24th
The Ultimate Summer Event brings you and your deserving girlfriends the hottest shopping and pampering event in the West Valley! Only $10.00 to attend this Soon to be Sold Out Event! ($15.00 at the door)
Don't miss out on being pampered, "Pigging-Out," & Having a Fabulous, Fun-Filled Evening Socializing & Networking with Always Busy Women.
Thursday, July 24th
6pm - 9pm
Dolce Salon & Spa8385 W Mariners Way, Peoria, AZ
Boutique Clothing, Bags, Swim Suits, Baby & Kids Accessories, Custom Home Acessories, Handmade Jewelry, Diva Dog Fashion & so much more!
Relax & Unwind
Enjoy mini massages, body art painting, and complimentary wine & tasty treats. Can you think of a better way to spend your evening?
Summer Fun & Casual or Your Corporate Suit... C'mon, We're Always Busy... who has time to change?
WHEAT's Clothes Silo
Clean out your closet & bring in your shoes, purses & business attire to donate to WHEAT's Clothes Silo, a women's resale boutique providing professional clothing at no cost to women entering or re-entering the work force through client assistance programs.
A perfect way to help other women and make more room in your closet! Please bring your donations to the event. Donation receipts will be available.
Learn more about this program.
Tell Us Who You Think Is the Best in the Valley!
Don't forget to bring your referrals or business cards from your favorite businesses! The person who brings in the most referrals or cards wins a Gift valued at up to $50.00.

Always Busy Summer Fling Vendor Opportunities
Are you a local designer or boutique in the Valley area? Always Busy Women is searching for Vendors for our upcoming event on July 24th at the Dolce Salon and Spa: Always Busy Summer Fling
We are looking for 10 designers or boutiques with unique products our savvy shoppers will crave! If you are interested in applying to be a vendor, please contact us today at We would like to have a good balance of different vendor types and categories therefore we will not be accepting several vendors of the same type. Please act fast if you are interested to secure your spot.
We are currently not accepting home-party type businesses for this event (even though we all love your products).
We are planning for 100 to 150 guests and will include pampering services, wine, sweets and more.
It is only $40.00 to be a vendor at this event. You must also purchase 2 tickets for the event at $10.00 a piece. Vendors will receive full-color postcards for mailing or handing out and local media contacts will be utilized to promote the event. Of course, our Always Busy email list will be utilized, which is currently over 200. Plus vendors will also be sending out emails to their database reaching women across the valley.
Want to get your product in front of Always Busy Women? If you are interested in donating your product samples to our Swag Bag, please email us at The minimum donation is 50 pieces and it must be product. You may attach your literature to the product. If you don't offer product and are service based. You may include an offer/advertisement in our swag bag for a small fee. By doing this you not only get product recognition, but you also get a link on our event page for 6 months, along with recognition in our newsletter prior to the event.
If you are a local business interested in sponsoring our event, please contact us at to find out more.