
Make It Happen Bootcamp - Kick Off 2010 with a Bang

Since the launch of Girlfriend's Biz Alliance over a year and half ago, I have had numerous conversations with fabulous business women just like you. All of you are passionate about what you do, but things just aren't happening fast enough. Whether you want more clients, more money, want to make a difference or want more visibility, it just isn't happening as quickly as you would like.

I have heard from many women they need help with focusing, creating a clear strategy, making the most of their time, and implementing actions steps to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

The Girlfriend's Biz Alliance MAKE IT HAPPEN Bootcamp is about providing you with the tools, support and accountability you need to get results faster and ultimately MAKE IT HAPPEN.

So, what can you expect from participating in the MAKE IT HAPPEN Bootcamp?

A Clear Vision of Where You Are Headed
Your 90 Day Vision and Goals Mapped Out
A Clear Strategy of How You are getting from Point A to Point B
Tools for Marketing and Tackling Social Media
A Kick in the Butt, so that you can Kick it into High Gear
Totally Action Orientated
Complete Accountability so you Make It Happen!
Tools to help you Get Focused
Ways to Make the Most of YOUR Time
How to Take Action Consistently
Have a Biz not a Hobby
Make More Money and Have Fun Doing It!


You get lots of access to your favorite Girlfriend's Biz Advisor and MAKE IT HAPPEN Gal, muah - your accountability partner, cheerleader and ally (at an amazingly affordable price).

Connect with fabulous like minded women who are real, ready to share, ready to grow and learn, and be part of a team effort of helping each other get results and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Join me starting January 20th for the Make It Happen Bootcamp! We will chat live every Wednesday at 11am Arizona time for 8 weeks. Each call will be recorded, so don't worry if you can't make the call. Plus, we will have 2 Q&A Calls to answser your questions.

Lets kick-off 2010 with a bang and make the success you dream of a reality!

Get the details by visiting the Make It Happen Bootcamp page on our website.

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