
Are you Living Your Dream?

Do you ever feel lost and wonder where you went? As busy women we can get so caught up in taking care of everyone in our lives that we often neglect to take care of ourselves. In the chaos and busyness of life it can leave us wondering, who are we and where did the old me go?

You can redefine balance and go after your dreams by working with a
Compass Coach! I recently realized, I am a total workaholic! I love to work! It wasn’t until I had both kids gone on Spring Break and having an entire Saturday to myself to do whatever my little heart desired that I realized this. Here was my chance to have “me time” and I was working! So, I had to sit back and say “What are you doing and Who are you?”

My true goal of Always Busy Women is to inspire, empower and connect women! When I came across
Compass Coaching for women, I got so excited. Not only for myself, but for the wonderful opportunity provides to women.

Compass is in the business of empowering women. They have assembled a network of the most qualified, skilled and talented coaches in the world and have made them available to you. If you were to personally hire a coach, you would need to invest between $400 to $1000 every month for the privilege to work with a coach. At compass you can access coaching programs for as little as $19 per month, and a Compass Coach for as little as $39 per month.

As a strong believer in coaching, I value what Compass has to offer all women. It is amazing. When is enough, is enough? Reclaim your confidence, redefine balance, and go after your dreams! You can do all these things working with a
Compass Coach! Visit http://www.mylifecompass.com/arobertson for more information.


Always Busy Spring Fling Invitation & Contest

Darling, it's time to kick-off those heels and get out of the fast lane! You're invited to a perfect night of chatting, sipping and enjoying time with other savvy women just like you at Park West Shopping Plaza.

Come prepared to share your business, your friends business and let your voice be heard on who you think are the gems in our city. Bring plenty of business cards to slip into each ladies goodie bag to be taken home with them.

When women get together, life just seems so much better! What's better than a night out with the girls for some chick chat, networking and an escape for the always busy woman!

The cost is only $10 per lady before the event and $15 at the door. Feel free to invite your girlfriends who love to be in the know.

Give Back
Clean out your closet and bring in your shoes, purses & business attire to donate to WHEAT's Clothes Silo, a women's resale boutique providing professional clothing at no cost to women entering or re-entering the work force through client assistance programs.

Contest Details...
How would you like to win a Gift Basket of Goodies, perfect for the Always Busy Woman? It is valued at over $125.00 and includes a Free One Hour Massage!

To win all you have to do is share! Receive entries each time you:

Forward this email to a friend by clicking on the "Share this with a Girlfriend" link below. Receive 1 entry per person

Buy a ticket for the Always Busy Spring Fling and get 10 extra entries

Blog about the Spring Fling Event and Giveaway and leave a comment that you did and where on
our blog for 20 extra entries

Always Busy Blog for 1 extra entry

Follow us on Twitter and Tweet about it for an extra 5 entries

Sign-up for the
Always Busy Buzz and receive 5 entries

Contest will END on Wednesday, April 15th and the winner will be announced on Thursday, April 16th on the Always Busy Blog & Newsletter