Many businesses across the valley are looking for ways to cut back. If your advertising budget is part of the cut back, I urge you to rethink your decision. Although this may seem like a good decision initially, please remember…
If you are out of sight, you are out of mind!
Not actively keeping your business out in front of your market will cause your potential customers to forget about you. So, when they need your service or product who do you think they are going to think of? They are going to think of the business that has been aggressively marketing their service or products.
Don’t lose business to your competitor!
The companies who will survive and flourish are those who act as though there is nothing wrong and that their market has plenty of money to spend. In other words, they advertise!
I understand the difficulties faced as a small business owner! I, too, am a small business owner.
I started Always Busy Women not only to provide women a fabulous resource, but also to provide small businesses an affordable advertising option.
Women are the most powerful consumer market in the country with statistics quoting women as having 85% control or influence of the buying power for goods and services.
Don’t delay. Get your business listed today in the next issue of Always Busy Women and make sure the most power consumer market, women, calls you when they need your service or product!
For only $100.00 you get listed in print and online! Want your logo included in the print edition to build brand awareness? Its only $25.00 more to include your logo!
Snapshot of what you get
• Six Months of Print and Online Advertising! We print 15,000 copies and distributed across the valley. receives over 60,000 hits and over 3,000 visitors a month.
• A business listing in the Always Busy Women’s Print Guide
• A business listing on that you can edit 24/7 and add photo’s coupons and more!
• Free entry into the Always Busy Women Spring/Summer Issue Debut Party at Park West.
• Additional Promotions through the ABW VIP Card. A great way to help track your return on investment!
For only $100.00 you have the potential to reach 15,000 consumers, which equates to only 0.0067 per person. For every penny you spend you are reaching two people!
Have you dropped your advertising in hopes to help your bottom line?

Tips for Always Busy Women who tend to “Take On” Everything!
In my experience, women tend to “take on” more than we realize. After all, we are the CEO’s of our lives, our household, and for some of us-our businesses! We don't skip a beat when we “take on” tasks that need to get done. However, we may subconsciously tend to “take on” more than we bargained for by adding to it the emotions of our daily routine.
One day, I had an “ah-ha” moment when I found myself “taking on” a continuous cycle of emotions and sabotaging thoughts. In a matter of minutes, I was exhausted, my spirits were down, I was full of uncertainty, and self-doubt. I started questioning every decision I had worked so hard to make!
How many times have you “taken on” feelings in addition to the tasks you’re responsible for? Most of us have gotten to be experts at mastering the physical tasks at hand, but we may not have reached mastery of our emotional tasks. Don’t panic! I’ve got four steps to start you on the path of Mastering Your Emotions.
1. Make a list of the common emotions you feel each day. For example: anger, fear, frustration, guilt, self-doubt, uncertainty.
2. Ask yourself why it is you feel that way, write it all down. To help identify the answers, ask what people, conversations, or experiences “trigger” your emotions to appear.
3. Give yourself permission to feel those emotions and adopt an “attitude of gratitude”! By acknowledging our emotions, it provides us an opportunity to learn more about ourselves; what a gift that is!
4. Make a choice to only “take on” emotions that energize and uplift you!
When we can free ourselves of uncovered emotions, it allows us to be more present and authentic with ourselves and others!
Marci Tjader is a Specialist in Creating Personal Power. She offers individual coaching and group training to ignite others towards positive change! To learn more about her services, visit

Need some Sanity? Join us for the Always Busy Sanity Retreat!
As Always Busy Women it is so easy to get wrapped up in the chaos of day to day life. We forget to nuture and love ourselves because we are busy taking care of everyone else. I know I have to remind myself all the time to put "me" first!
Always Busy Women and Sanity Journals has teamed up together to bring you fabulous ladies a night of fun, writing, being, connecting, creating, sharing, and growing
Join us for the Always Busy Sanity Retreat where you will learn to Find Peace and Purpose Right Where You Are! Carla Reeves, founder and designer of Sanity Journals will share a fresh perspective of journaling and how it can be a powerful tool for your life.
Come engage in a rejuvenating evening as Carla intimately weaves real life experience into an entertaining, memorable and even life changing event.

February Pretty In Pink Spotlight
My father raised the most beautiful vegetables in his garden and the opportunity to eat fresh out of the garden was a delicious experience. While teaching for over 20 years, I realized that children performed better in the classroom when allowed to drink water and eat healthy snacks. My own experience with growing vegetables in my back yard garden provided the basis for home-made baby food for my three children.