It’s the New Year and we’re excited! We have set some great intentions for the New Year and can’t wait to tackle our goals. We just know that this year is going to be the best year ever! We are really going to break boundaries and make changes for the better. Woohoo!
Sound Familiar? But, hey it is Day 12 of the New Year and well, lets get real! How’s it going? Are you making a big impact, setting new records, making changes that are for the record book?
Or have you found yourself overwhelmed and not sure where to start or making some changes but struggling on being consistent. Maybe you’re not even sure if you know what you want to do, you just know you want it to be better this year.
We all have great intentions, but we aren’t always good at acting on those intentions. So, how can you create your best year ever and keep from falling into the same old routine that you’re stuck in?
First, you need to make a decision. Decide what is most important to you and act on it. Many times we have so many things we want to do that we don’t get any of it done. Start by picking one goal that is really important to you and make it a priority. Now, start by breaking that priority goal into baby steps and do something each day that gets you closer. When you get this done or have tackled it to a point that it’s no big deal, add something else into the mix.
Second, get out of your own way. Stop letting excuses, outside circumstances or personal problems get in the way. Just because you aren’t having a great day doesn’t mean it’s time to curl up on the couch. Lets face it, if you had a 9-5 job you wouldn’t have the option of telling your boss you just didn’t feel up to working today and that life was rough and well, you were going to just curl up under your desk. LOL. On those days, it’s just the opposite. It is time to grab the day and make the most of it. It is only you who can keep YOU going. Ask yourself this; is the success of your business important? Hmmm, I didn’t hear you? Oh, YES then act like it and take action no matter what, even if you don’t feel like it!
Third, love thyself. It is the love that you give yourself that builds who you are, makes you strong, gives you the ability to go out there and really make it happen. So, each day or at least each week do something for you. Pretend you are your own child and take care of yourself. Give yourself some one on one time with YOU. It is the simple act of loving ourselves and taking care of ourselves that empowers us to do and give more back!
Fourth, share it with everyone. This not only helps you stay accountable, but it lets the universe know you are serious and will send things your way to help! Plus, best of all, when you are open and sharing, you never know when you are going to come across someone who can help you achieve your goal even faster!
Fifth, Mind Set Does Matter. Feed your mind, stay positive and remind yourself that you can and will do it! Mind set combined with action makes you unstoppable.
Remember, in order to make this year the best year ever you have to make changes. Change means stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things that at first may seem uncomfortable or scary. But, when you do this, the pay-off or reward is huge and totally worth it! You will be so glad that you stepped up and made the difference in YOUR Life to make it the best ever!