
Tackling the Time Monster

How often do you find yourself running around crazy feeling like you're not getting anything done and thinking you just don't have enough time?

How you "see" your time directly affects how you utilize it and how you feel as you go through-out your day. If you're not careful, you will find your business and life running you, instead of "you" being the master of your business and life.

It wasn't too long ago that my business and life were running me all over the place! I had to step back and realize that my relationship with my time was totally unhealthy! I always felt like I never had enough time and that I was never getting anything accomplished. I am sure you can identify with that feeling... I think it can be pretty common and you know that it isn't fun!

So, how do you go about changing your relationship with time? Here is what worked for me!

  • Set your intentio to change your thinking about time. When you feel rushed or find the chatter in your head saying "you don't have enough time"... STOP. Battle it with positive affirmations like "I have more than enough time", "time is on my side", "everything that needs to get done, will!".

  • Remind yourself that what needs to get done, will. You know that anything that you have ever needed to get done has gotten done. Even if you have had to pull an all-nighter you got it done! (note: all-nighters not recommended after 25)

  • Prioritize your time. Map out your month, your week, your day and set your priorities. What do you want to get done NO MATTER WHAT. When you get it done... check those baby's off your to-do list and trust me you feel a lot of accomplishment!

Your time, just like your life, is all on how you see it. If you think you don't have enough time... you are probably right. If you think you have all the time in the world... you are probably right! So, remember YOU HAVE TIME! Ahhh... now doesn't that feel better knowing that you have all the time you need!!!!

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